Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Violent Video Games Are Bad for You Free Essays

Today, children, teenagers, and adults are exposed to violence throughout their lives. They are exposed through television shows, movies, maybe even on the streets, but what researchers and scientists have proved to be an increasing factor of violence in children and adults is their being exposed to violent video games in which â€Å"they can produce violence, emotional outbursts, and inappropriate language†. According to Violent Video Games: The Newest Media Violence Hazard, about 85% or more video games include violent content. We will write a custom essay sample on Violent Video Games Are Bad for You or any similar topic only for you Order Now Violent content includes: blood and gore, killing, inappropriate language, and sexual content. Since then, many people have been saying that these games promote bad behavior and cause people to be more violent. As people play violent video games, it influences bad behavior in the player because when you play these games, you control the person who causes the crimes, shoot and kill your enemy, whether it is a criminal or policeman depending on the game you are playing. Since you are playing the game, you feel more connected with your character in the game and it may affect you in the real world. This is proved according to the article Computer Games Can Rot Your Brain. According to it, â€Å"researchers have shown that playing or watching violent video games has led to alcohol consumption, destruction of property and other bad behavior. Video games can also lead to stealing of items, mainly vehicles. † Although the article says that, Akemi, a long term gamer now 22 years old, says otherwise. He says â€Å"I have been playing games since I was at least 7, I have no criminal record. I have good grades and have often been caught playing well into the night (that is, 4 hours or more). Even though Akemi has no criminal record, Brad Bushman, a scientist that has been studying the effects of violent games on people says â€Å"aggressive behavior may appear not as criminal activity or physical violence but in more subtle ways in ways people react to or interact with other people in everyday life. † This would mean that Akemi, a gamer for years with no criminal record, may not cause crimes, but inside of him he has some kind of violent behavior that he expresses while interacting with people without him knowing it. Not only do violent videos promote bad behavior, they also destroy students’ grades. If someone is already influenced by the bad behavior in video games, it is certain that the student will not succeed in school. If he is not influenced by bad behavior and are getting unacceptable grades in school, then it may be the game’s addictiveness. Games are fun, especially when you are defeating monsters and killing people which cause you to do it for hours on, making you addicted to it. When you are at school, you would only think about these games and ignore your education. This is supported by Bushman when he says â€Å"The link between violent media and aggression is stronger than the link between doing homework and getting good grades. † People disagree with this and say that violent video games don’t cause bad grades because it might have been that the student was already receiving unacceptable grades before his exposure of violent games concluding that the games had no affect on his poor performance at school. This may be true but, what makes it a bad argument is that the student that is doing poorly in school and is playing these games will never get out of their habit of getting bad grades. If this student was to switch up his games with educational games for instance, then he may have gained the smarts to get out of his habit and become a better student. In the end, violent video games are harmful for you, and everyone else. They cause disruptive behavior, promote violence most more often than not, and encourage students to get poor grades. Many people disagree with this but Bushman says â€Å"many scientific studies clearly show that violent video games make kids more likely to yell, push, and punch. † If we do not see an effect now, we would see it take place later on if they continue to play the games. As a final word, he says â€Å"We included every single study we could find on the topic. Regardless of what kids say, violent video games are harmful. † How to cite Violent Video Games Are Bad for You, Essay examples

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